Sanfoot - Wood Veneer Wallcovering

Species and Figures

SanFoot captures the beauty of real wood. Just as no tree is exactly the same, no piece of SanFoot is exactly the same.

Burl Figure in Camphorwood

Flake Figure in Queensland Oak

Burl Figure in Sapele Crotch Figure in Mahogany 

Textures and Cuts

While the color and figure is determined by the species and its living conditions, the grain pattern is determined by cut.

Flat Cut: course-textured, straight-grain mixed with swirls and cathedrals.

This popular cut is achieved by slicing parallel to the center line of the flitch (1/2 log).

Quarter Cut: consistently straight grain often with a parallel ribbon-like figure. 

The wood is sliced perpendicular to the line of the growth rings.

Rift Cut: uniform straight grain with a softer texture.

The wood is cut on a lathe with a stationary knife.

Rotary Cut: shows similar characteristics to the flat cut, with annular growth rings visible in dynamic shapes. 

This economical cut slices around the circumference of the flitch and can produce wider veneer "leaves".

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Or for assistance with any of our wood products, please call Surface Materials at 440-248-0000.