Installation Instructions

Command Installation Instructions

IMPORTANT - If at any time during installation a discrepancy is discovered STOP! Contact your distributor before proceeding. Any deviation from this procedure will negate any claims filed later.

Carefully examine this material to ensure correct pattern, color, quantity, and that all roles are the same lot number.

Vinyl wallcovering must be installed only under permanent lighting conditions. Temperature in the area to receive vinyl wallcovering should be maintained between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit and relative humidity at 50% or less, for at least six days prior to and after installation.

Surface Preparation

  1. All Surfaces to receive fabric-backed vinyl must be smooth, clean, dry, and structurally sound. Newly plastered walls should not have excessive quantities of lime or alkali. Walls should not contain in excess of 5-7% residual moisture content. A moisture meter can be used to determine moisture content.
  2. All new walls (drywall, plaster) should be primed with a quality, adhesion promoting acrylic or latex wallcovering primer. If a moist wall condition exists, an oil-based primer may be used to creat a waterproof barrier. If an oil-based primer is used, always apply an acrylic or latex primer over it before hanging the vinyl wallcovering . (Note oil based primers create a non-porous surface, which along with the vinyl wallcovering, tend to trap moisture, prolong dryiny, and may result in adhesion problems).
  3. An adhesion test should be performed to ensure compatibility of the primer with the adhesive. At least fourteen (14) days should elapse before removing the test strips.
  4. Existing walls present varied conditions, but essentially should be brought to a condition whereby glossy surfaces are sanded, irregularities repaired and the surfaces primed as with new walls. If the painted surface is found to be "unsound", the paint must be removed. To ensure the soundness of an existing wall surface, we recommend the following:
    1. Cut a shallow "x" in the painted surface with a razor blade. Wrap a strip of masking tape around your finger (sticky side out) and press it to the "x", checking to see whether the paint film separates from the wall surface.
    2. Take a wet sponge; hold it against the painted surface for 15-20 seconds, checking for any pigment or color transfer from the wall surface to the sponge.
  5. Remove the old wallcovering completely. After wallcovering is removed, remove the remaining adhesive with a good quality adhesive remover, then rinse the wall and allow to dry. Prime with a good quality wallcovering primer. If the old wallcovering is peelable, remove both the top and bottom layers of the wallcovering.
  6. Surfaces other than drywall or plaster may require special procedures and application techniques. Contact your distributor or manufacturer for recommendations before starting. 


  1. All rolls are numbered consecutively. Rolls must be cut and installed in sequence, starting with roll one (1). All strips should be numbered and hung in sequence as they are cut from the roll.

  2. When hanging non-matched textured patterns, reverse hang alternate strips. After 3 strips are hung, carefully inspect the wallcovering. If the pattern effect is not acceptable, re-hang strip No 2 without reversing. Approval should be obtained at this point before proceeding. If there is a variation in color and/or pattern effect, discontinue hanging and contact your distributor immediately. THE MANUFACTURER WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLAIMS BEYOND THREE (3) STRIPS. 

  3. Seams on non-matched patterns may be table trimmed or overlapped and double cut during installation, exercising care not to cut too deeply into the wall substrate. Geometric and matched designs may require table trimming for match perfection.

  4. Apply adhesive to the fabric backing using a pasting machine, or for hand application, a short napped paint roller. Use a quality, pre-mixed vinyl wallcovering adhesive matched to the weight of the material being installed. Fold each sheet over and allow time for the adhesive to penetrate the fabric. Adhesive should be maintained at a temperature between 65 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit.

  5. Install each sheet on the wall using a stiff, short bristle brush or flexible broad knife. Apply material above doors and above and below windows as it comes from the roll. DO NOT SKIP. Vertical joints should not occur less than six inches from inside or outside corners. A heat gun may be used to allow the vinyl to conform to irregular corners. 


Vinyl is guaranteed to be free of defects in workmanship and material for one year. We cannot accept responsibility for claims if the above instructions are not followed, nor are we liable for labor and associated costs, over and above the cost of replacement material.